Textile Design (MFA)

Textile Design (MFA)

In the MFA Textile Design program, courses hone students’ knowledge of industry standards, combining design excellence with the mastery of the latest digital tools, and furthering their knowledge of textile printing techniques and fabric manipulation. Their thesis project culminates in the production of a portfolio of textile design that exhibits their original voice and individual aesthetic. Some students may collaborate with fashion or knitwear majors for the graduate show in New York during Fashion Week.


Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Degree

This program is only available onsite.

Major Classes

FA 603 Mixed Media/Printmaking Major/3
FSH 600 Fashion Design 1 Major/3
FSH 602 Fashion Design 2 Major/3
FSH 610 Applied Textiles 1 Major/3
FSH 611 Applied Textiles 2 Major/3
FSH 612 Applied Textiles 3 Major/3
FSH 613 Applied Textiles 4 Major/3
FSH 620 Knitwear Design and Construction 1 Major/3
FSH 621 Knitwear Design and Construction 2 Major/3
FSH 700 Professional Practices and Portfolio for Fashion Major/3


Unit Requirements

Major Coursework Units
Major Coursework 30
Directed Study 18
Electives 6
Graduate Liberal Arts 9
Total 63

Degree Requirements


  • Successful completion of Final Thesis Project.
  • Minimum grade of C in all required 63 units.
  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and the following Academic Study requirements:
    1 Art Historical Awareness & Aesthetic Sensitivity course
    1 Cross Cultural Understanding course

Additional Information

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduate students will meet the following student performance criteria:

MFA Thesis

  • Present an original thesis concept worthy of the MFA degree
  • Demonstrate the feasibility of their thesis project
  • Create a body of work that will be built into a portfolio, representing an advanced level of achievement and targeted to a specific market segments

Textile Design

  • Conduct research to develop their creative concept and build a visual story
  • Demonstrate good understanding of their markets
  • Demonstrate thorough knowledge of repeats and engineered prints both on paper and fabric
  • Design surface patterns for a wide variety of end products at an advanced level
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge of computer software used in the industry
  • Communicate their design ideas 2-dimensionally using traditional and/or digital media

Professional Readiness

  • Create a relevant and original portfolio and collateral materials which can be used to market themselves to the industry

Academy of Art University Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Academy of Art University will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Produce a body of work suitable for seeking professional opportunities in their chosen field of art and design.
  2. Solve creative problems within their field of art and design, including research and synthesis of technical, aesthetic, and conceptual knowledge.
  3. Communicate their ideas professionally and connect with their intended audience using visual, oral, and written presentation skills relevant to their field.
  4. Execute technical, aesthetic, and conceptual decisions based on an understanding of art and design principles.
  5. Evaluate work in their field, including their own work, using professional terminology.
  6. Recognize the influence of major cultural and aesthetic trends, both historical and contemporary, on art and design products.
  7. Learn the professional skills and behaviors necessary to compete in the global marketplace for art and design.
  8. Engage with a variety of communities beyond the classroom through internship opportunities, study abroad programs, athletics, student interest clubs as well as collaborative, civic and pro bono projects.

*Semester plans are subject to change at any time. Semester breakdowns displayed are suggested and additional options are available to help customize your educational experience. Speak to an admissions or student services representative for more information. Please see our catalog for more details at: https://catalog.academyart.edu

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